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Logo - Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C

Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C

1118 Penn Ave, 19610, Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
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Business Category

United States:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C

Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C. is an established Pennsylvania law firm that focuses exclusively on family law and criminal law. Our DUI lawyers, criminal defense attorneys, and family law attorneys are very experienced and will help you navigate the Pennsylvania legal system. Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C. is an established Pennsylvania law firm that focuses exclusively on family law and criminal law. The DUI lawyers, criminal defense attorneys, and family law attorneys are very experienced and will help you navigate the Pennsylvania legal system. Our lawyers have handled hundreds of divorce and custody cases. Our criminal defense team is former public defenders who have been to trial on virtually every type of case. We offer a free half-hour initial consultation to explore your case and our abilities. Family law attorney, Child Support Lawyers, Child Custody Lawyer, Divorce Lawyer, Criminal Justice Attorney, Child Support Attorney, Family law attorney, Lawyer, Law Firm, Divorce Lawyer, Criminal Justice Attorney Services • Family Law • Child Support • Child Custody • Divorce • DUI • Criminal Defense

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Personal Information for Bentley, Kopecki, Smith, P.C

Contact Person: Mr Matthew Kopecki

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2009
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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