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Logo - First Call Restoration

First Call Restoration

67 Page Park Dr, 12603, Poughkeepsie, New York, United States
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United States:Home:Home Improvement

What we do at First Call Restoration

Hi, this is Mike Hogan, owner of First Call Restoration. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my family business. Over twenty years ago I started a carpet cleaning business out of the back of my Subaru. Not a fancy start, but I did a great job and got referral after referral from my clients. Although I worked long hours I made time to take classes in advanced carpet cleaning. I know it probably sounds odd, advanced classes, but there’s actually a lot to learn about. From different fiber types to chemical reactions. My mind set has always been to learn the most I can to deliver a service like no other. I wanted to be the consultant to solve any problem a client had with carpet and/or upholstery. I found the secret, never stop learning. My son Michael started helping his dad with loading up the car with equipment. Then he started coming out on jobs and working the carpet cleaning wand. One day he asked if he could take a class and be certified too. As Michael, my wife Janice and I began building our business, Michael began cleaning carpets full time with our new truck mounted system. Boy, I loved that truck mounted system, it was more forgiving to my aging body. Eventually Michael became a lead technician as we hired, trained great guys and purchased more vans. That meant dad was able to get off the truck and develop the business into a company. One day my wife and I were at a carpet cleaning conference as we did annually. We’d meet up with friends from all over the U.S. One evening after the conference we were sitting in the lobby speaking with other cleaners. Of course the conversations are about business and exchanging of ideas. In walks Gary and his wife Anna. His first words were, “Mike I’ve got to tell you what we’ve been up to.” Gary and Anna started doing water damage work. They were excited and convincing. We returned to New York and signed up for classes. We got started doing water jobs and along the way added fire/smoke, sewage clean-up and crime/death scene clean-up. From there we expanded into remediation. I always found microbial growth interesting, so I decided if we were going to be the best, I had to be the best. I became a Council Certified Mold Hygienist. Again I’ve become a leading consultant in the Hudson Valley now in mold. Of course our staff is New York State Licensed in Mold as well.

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Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2006
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 9
Spoken Languages: n/a
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