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Logo - NW Bio-fuel

NW Bio-fuel

815 NE Schuyler St. #12488 Portland, 97212, Portland, Oregon, United States
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Business Category

United States:Environment:Waste Disposal ~ United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Fabricated Products and Components

What we do at NW Bio-fuel

"NW Bio-fuel is the leading provider of grease trap cleaning and cooking oil collection services. Our prime motto is to help you prevent drain blockages by cleaning out and disposing of the waste in a proper manner. We clean grease traps efficiently and completely and make sure that the harmful waste is removed with no disruption to your business. Our team of experts inspects your grease trap and ensures that they are working good to avoid clogs and overflows. We provide cooking oil collection services to restaurants and commercial kitchens in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area and Southwest Washington. We schedule the grease trap cleaning at a time that is convenient for our clients. We also offer line jetting and drain cleaning. Since 2014, NW Bio-fuel has been consistently serving the needs of those who look for the best grease trap cleaning services in Oregon and Washington. Some of our core specialisations: Grease Trap Cleaning Grease Trap Repair Drain Cleaning Cooking Oil Collection Why You Should Choose NW Bio-fuel For Grease Trap Cleaning: Massive Experience under our belt Flexible Scheduling 24/7 Availability Licensed professionals No cutting of corners Best for Restaurant owners We can reach your restaurant within 60 minutes from the time of your call. Call us now to schedule your service. "

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Personal Information for NW Bio-fuel

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Cleaning services, Biofuels
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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