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Logo - Japanese Abacus Math School of Portland

Japanese Abacus Math School of Portland

15160 NW Laidlaw Rd, #215,, 97229, Portland, Oregon, United States
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United States:Education:Private Lessons

What we do at Japanese Abacus Math School of Portland

TWO DECADES OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE Founded in 2001, JAMS is proud to be the only math school in the Portland and Beaverton area certified by the League for Soroban Abacus. We use the teachings of Abacus & Anzan instruction to build a solid and strong foundation of mental mathematics with lifelong skills. Mental math calculation is a skill that children retain for life. Abacus gives any child the skills and confidence to excel in STEM-related subjects beyond the classroom. When a child experiences success, they naturally grow in confidence and self-esteem, as well as in their desire to continue the pursuit of that success. What’s more, with our specialized instruction, your child will build a solid and strong foundation of mental mathematics with lifelong skills.

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Personal Information for Japanese Abacus Math School of Portland

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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