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Logo - Bader House Memory Care

Bader House Memory Care

1667 W Plano Pkwy, 75075, Plano, Texas, United States
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Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living

What we do at Bader House Memory Care

If you're looking for a different kind of memory care in Plano TX tailored to your loved one's needs and provides individualized attention, then we hope you'll consider our facility. Here at Bader House Memory Care, we offer personalized services designed to meet the individual needs of those with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. We provide an encouraging and supportive community for our residents and their families. We understand the difficulties associated with this disease, which is why our team is here to work side-by-side with you every step of the way. Our dedicated staff offers a nurturing environment, providing stimulating activities and programs to help reduce stress and frustration while also providing your loved ones with the daily support they need. We take the time to get to know each of our residents to better serve their needs. We also know families are an important part of our community and want to support you. Each day we strive to provide our family members with compassion and understanding during this difficult time in their lives.

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Personal Information for Bader House Memory Care

Contact Person: Mr Trevey

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English
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