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Logo - Spark Naturals

Spark Naturals

97 Mountain Way Dr., 84058, Orem, UT, United States
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Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Body Practices ~ United States:Health and Care:Cosmetic ~ United States:Health and Care:Drugs, Medicines and Substances

What we do at Spark Naturals

Spark Naturals offers natural fractionated coconut oil in USA. It is an amazing carrier oil, which is easily absorbed into the skin making it a great way to dilute topical therapies. These coconut oils are light textures with a silky feel it clear and will not clog pores. This fractionated coconut oil is broken down into smaller molecules, whereas unrefined coconut oil is not. Many people love this coconut oil because it is always liquid and it has a nearly indefinite shelf life. This oil is tasteless, odorless, and usually more expensive than regular coconut oil. For more information visit our website: www.sparknaturals.com

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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