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Logo - Wealth And Estate Tax Return

Wealth And Estate Tax Return

418 E 71st St, suite 365, 10021, New York, New York, United States
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United States:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services

What we do at Wealth And Estate Tax Return

Our mission is to help clients maintain financial viability in the present, while taking a proactive approach to achieve future goals. This requires open communication to reach an understanding of our clients' needs through research and sound analysis. McLan Accounting Services LLC is dedicated to meeting these goals with high standards of excellence and professionalism. Everyone should have a well thought out plan as to how to disburse one's estate so as to avoid complications and to be sure wishes are followed. Having your taxes and estate thoroughly and carefully planned will ensure that your loved ones don't have any complications to deal with during a time of loss. Effective estate and trust planning can ensure financial security for loved ones. For businesses, it can maintain a smooth succession of ownership. McLan Accounting Services LLC's role is to help you navigate the complex and shifting tax laws to facilitate the transfer of assets and minimize the tax liability of your beneficiaries. When you receive some extra money it may be difficult to determine whether you should invest the funds or use them to retire debt. Financial theory recommends that if your after-tax return on investments is greater than your after-tax cost of debt then you should invest. However, remember to consider the inherent riskiness of the investment you select (i.e. you may lose the money you invest yet still have obligations to pay back the liability).

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