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Logo - AOG Accessories

AOG Accessories

2549 NW 74th Avenue, 33122, Miami, Florida, United States
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Business Category

United States:Transport and Storage:Aviation

What we do at AOG Accessories

AOG Accessories specialize in providing repair services covering equipment manufactured by many of the galley equipment and interior parts for major OEM’s. AOG is able to provide repairs from our FAA Part 145 and EASA approved repair station and has capabilities for dual release on equipment within ATA Chapters 25, 26, 35 and 38. Our goal revolves in delivering a quality and reliable product with every repair to help reduce overall cost. We specialize, and have a focused approach to what parts we support; our experienced and well trained specialists repair these components to provide proficient, effective and dependable fault finding and modification. When combined with a modern, well equipped facility and a large and continuous investment in spare parts to ensure we have the right parts in stock that our customers can be sure of receiving the very best level of service and support. With so many options available to operators when specifying galley equipment it often means even a small size fleet will have galley equipment such as ovens and coffee makers with multiple part numbers from many different manufacturers. With AOG’s varied capability list of hundreds of part numbers we can offer our customers a one stop solution thus allowing customers to deal with a single repair coordinator able to assist with repairs, spares and exchanges across all part numbers and manufacturers. In addition, we offer flexible support solutions to meet customers’ needs including time and materials fixed pricing, flat exchange program and will always accommodate and tailor repair programs to meet our customer’s requirement.

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Personal Information for AOG Accessories

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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