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Logo - QC Kinetix

QC Kinetix

780 Canton Rd NE, Suite 200,, 30060, Marietta, Georgia, United States
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Business Info

Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at QC Kinetix

Joint pain can take a serious toll on your quality of life. If you're looking for surgery alternatives, knee replacement alternatives, elbow pain relief, shoulder pain relief, wrist pain relief, Marietta arthritis pain treatment, or treatment for sports injuries, we can help! Our biologic therapies at QC Kinetix (Marietta) are a perfect solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgery for joint pain. Our medical team has earned a solid reputation in the medical world. Our specialists do not just treat mere symptoms of joint pain but run diagnostic tests to determine the cause of joint pain in your body. Our treatments provide lasting relief from joint pain due to workplace injuries, athletic injuries, and lifestyle habits. We know what it's like to be sidelined by shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, arthritis pain, or treatment for sports injuries. We know how much it can affect your life—your ability to work, your daily activities—and we're here to help! Services: Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions

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Personal Information for QC Kinetix

Contact Person: Mr Scott Hoots

Business Details

Type of business: QC Kinetix (Marietta)
Year founded: 2000
Year started activity: 2000
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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