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Eldessouky Law

100 Oceangate Suite 1255, 90802, Long Beach, California, United States
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United States:Business Services:Legal Advice

What we do at Eldessouky Law

Facing employment issues can be overwhelming; that's why Eldessouky Law serves as a beacon of hope for employees in Long Beach seeking legal support. Our firm specializes in protecting workers' rights, offering guidance from knowledgeable employment law lawyers near me when matters get complicated. Whether you're dealing with discriminatory practices or wrongful termination, our wrongful termination lawyer stands ready to defend your interests aggressively within the bounds of California labor laws. As an experienced employment discrimination attorney in Long Beach, we take pride in providing assertive representation that focuses on achieving favorable outcomes for our clients. At Eldessouky Law, we believe every employee deserves fair treatment and access to skilled legal advocacy when their rights are violated on the job. With our commitment to excellence and justice, rest assured that your case is handled by professionals passionate about making a difference in the lives of workers across Long Beach. Services: -Employment law -Wrongful termination lawyer -california wrongful termination lawyer -california employment lawyer Business Email: analytics.eldessoukylaw@gmail.com Business Hours: Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours

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