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Logo - Dr. Lori Ross Tijerino

Dr. Lori Ross Tijerino

2620 First Street, 94550, Livermore, California, United States
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United States:Health and Care:Dental Clinics

What we do at Dr. Lori Ross Tijerino

Skill and compassion go hand-in-hand when providing exceptional patient care. As a dental professional, Dr. Lori Ross Tijerino stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry in order to provide the most current treatment options for her patients. As a doctor, she recognizes that her patients are unique individuals who have placed a great deal of trust in her and this team. That is just one reason why Dr. Ross Tijerino values each and every patient relationship! Dr. Ross Tijerino is well versed in all the latest cosmetic procedures, including in-office bleaching, Invisalign®, porcelain crowns, laminate veneers, tooth-colored fillings, dentures, partials, the use of implants to help retain dentures and partials, and more. Dr. Ross Tijerino takes pride in knowing that she offers quality care based on individual needs and wants of her patients. Her reputation has been built on the trust and respect of her patients, and she has always had an outstanding, friendly, well-educated staff ready to help patients with all their needs. Her professional goal is to evaluate a patient’s needs, then, in concert with the patient, arrive at a treatment plan that meets the patient’s goals and expectations. Dr. Ross Tijerino is consistently looking for new ways to advance her practice and believes that continuing education for herself, her staff, and her patients is the key to well-rounded care.

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Personal Information for Dr. Lori Ross Tijerino

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1969
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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