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Logo - Timber Management Services

Timber Management Services

59 Meadow Park Ave, 43035, Lewis Center, ohio, United States
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Business Category

United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Wood Products

What we do at Timber Management Services

Our expertise is in select harvest of timber lands. We specialize in the harvesting of walnut and white oak, but always have interest in hard maple, soft maple, hickory, and cherry. Our process of selection always includes walking the property and checking for property lines. We then take inventory of the timber’s size, volume, and quality. Next, we scale the timber to determine its volume. Then, we review the results with the landowner. Once an agreement is made, our professional team moves in equipment, harvests the timber, and removes the logs from the property with as little disruption to the surrounding land as possible. Every landowner has different goals and expectations for their timber lands, and we want to hear what those are. From small acreages to large ones, and partial acreages to full ones, we listen to what you want timbered and what you want to keep preserved. Every land, woods, and project is different from the last and will be treated differently. Custom solutions are the driving force behind our business. We strongly believe that properly managing your land will help sustain or increase its value. Whether it is farm or timber land, every aspect needs to be taken into consideration depending on its purpose. We at Timber Management Services, LLC listen carefully to what our client’s desired outcomes are. We assist them in deciding which hardwoods should be harvested for the value of your forest’s future. We also may make recommendations of what to harvest based on timber age, canopy effects, timber location, and disease risk. Conserving land is at the forefront of our business. It is important to us that the ecosystem not be disrupted, which is why we choose to do select harvest only. Our goal is to preserve the wildlife in order to protect biodiversity. There is no future without it. Our process of selective harvest ensures that the surrounding trees will benefit from less competition, and therefore grow and continue the process of adding value to your forest. We promote this continuous process for the life of the ecosystem.

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Personal Information for Timber Management Services

Contact Person: Mr Fred Miller

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2022
Year started activity: 2021
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 18
Spoken Languages: English
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