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Logo - Gracco


3501 Palmer St, 48910, Lansing, Michigan, United States
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Business Category

United States:Construction:Building Construction

What we do at Gracco

Discover unparalleled craftsmanship in home exterior services with GRACCO, where our expertise in lansing roofing shines through every project we undertake. We don't just stop at providing top-notch roofing solutions; our repertoire includes high-quality siding and reliable gutter installations customized to enhance the beauty and efficiency of your residence. Understanding that each homeowner has unique preferences, GRACCO offers a plethora of choices in materials, hues, and styles designed to complement the character of your living space. From cedar shake siding that exudes classic elegance to the sleek functionality of metal roofs, our selection is tailored to meet diverse aesthetic desires while offering unmatched weather resistance and longevity. In addition to our roofing prowess, we install seamless gutters adept at channeling away rainwater seamlessly, thus fortifying your sanctuary against potential moisture damage. Trust GRACCO for a cohesive approach in fortifying every aspect of your home's exterior with finesse and resilience.

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Personal Information for Gracco

Contact Person: Mr Jamie Gomez

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2000
Year started activity: 2000
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: n/a
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