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Logo - Numrich Gun Parts Corporation

Numrich Gun Parts Corporation

226 Williams Ln., Kingston, New York, United States
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Business Category

United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Other Finished Products ~ United States:Personal and Customized:Weaponry

What we do at Numrich Gun Parts Corporation

What began as a small gun shop in Westchester County, NY, in 1950 has grown to become America's leading supplier of gun parts and accessories. Founded by businessman George Numrich, Numrich Gun Parts Corporation has expanded upon his vision and become The World's Largest Supplier of Gun Parts. We are proud to offer the largest selection of hard-to-find firearms parts and accessories from all major foreign and domestic manufacturers. We also carry the largest collection of gun schematics available. Our home is the beautiful Catskill Mountains, where we house seven inventory warehouses totaling 1,000,000 cubic feet and our own manufacturing plant. We are dedicated to providing quality parts to the U.S. and Canada, whether commercial parts, military surplus, or rare antique parts. We strive to honor America's gun legacy by helping restore, improve, and complete every gun, regardless of age or origin. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation is here to serve you now and for generations to come. Thank you for choosing us.

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Personal Information for Numrich Gun Parts Corporation

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1950
Year started activity: 1950
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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