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Logo - Leavy Schultz Davis, P.S.

Leavy Schultz Davis, P.S.

2415 W Falls Ave, 99336, Kennewick, Washington, United States
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United States:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at Leavy Schultz Davis, P.S.

When faced with the aftermath of a car accident in Kennewick, WA, finding a reliable car accident lawyer near me can significantly impact the outcome of your case. That's where Leavy Schultz Davis, P.S., steps in a law firm that not only specializes in handling personal injury claims resulting from car accidents but also provides comprehensive legal services across various fields like wrongful death suits, estate planning, probate proceedings, wills and trusts administration, as well as business law matters. Our attorneys are committed to offering tailored advice and robust representation that align with your specific circumstances. With our client-centered approach, we prioritize understanding every aspect of your case to advocate effectively on your behalf. Trust us at Leavy Schultz Davis, P.S., to stand beside you every step of the way as we strive for justice and fair compensation in light of your ordeal.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
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Home based?: no
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