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Logo - Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

11 Asylum St, Suite 512, 06103, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
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United States:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services

What we do at Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

When you need to post bail quickly, Connecticut Bail Bonds Group is ready to assist. We understand the stress and difficulties that come with needing to do so, and we’ve taken measures to help make it as easy as possible. With our bail bonds in Hartford, CT services near me, you can rest assured knowing that we’re here for you. The idea of having someone else pay your bail for you is enticing. However, many people hesitate to hire a bail bondsman to act as the middleman and pay your bail bond for you because they fear that they will end up paying more money in the bail bondsman’s fees. Some bail bondsmen indeed charge ridiculous fees that will end up costing you a lot of money to pay. However, this is not the case for all bail bondsmen. Why choose Connecticut Bail Bonds Group? Anytime day or night Connecticut Bail Bonds Group are here to help you and be the CT bail bondsmen that come through with bail to get someone out of any jailhouse, courthouse, or correctional facility in Hartford, Connecticut FAST. Services we offer: - Assault Bail Bonds - Computer Crime Bail Bonds - Domestic Violence Bail Bonds - Drug Crime Bail Bonds - Drug Trafficking Bail Bonds - DUI Bail Bonds - Felony Bail Bonds - FTA Failure to Appear Bail Bonds - Identity Theft Bail Bonds - Bail For Murder Visit us to check out the complete list of bail bonds that we offer.

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Personal Information for Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

Contact Person: Mr Sheila Sanchez

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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