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Logo - Alternate Heating Systems

Alternate Heating Systems

2395 Little Egypt Rd, 17228, Harrisonville, Pennsylvania, United States
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Business Category

United States:Home:Home Improvement ~ United States:Home:Home Supplies ~ United States:Industrial Goods and Services:Repairs, Servicing and Installation

What we do at Alternate Heating Systems

Alternate Heating Systems creates high-grade, efficient residential and commercial heating systems. We strive to pave the way in the energy industry by offering efficient heating solutions that allow our customers the ability to save $100's or $1,000's without being married to it. We manufacture a wide range of products including wood gasification, coal stokers, traditional hand-fired, and even waste-oil boilers. Our solutions are lasting and are meant to operate for a lifetime. Visit our website or give us a quick call for more information.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Alternate Heating Systems

Contact Person: Ms Victoria Tan

Business Details

Type of business: Heating System
Year founded: 1998
Year started activity: 1998
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: N/A
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