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Logo - HBD Chiropractic

HBD Chiropractic

1130 38th Ave, Unit A, 80634, Greeley, Colorado, United States
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Business Category

United States:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at HBD Chiropractic

Dr. Jordan grew up an athlete and when she injured herself it was her chiropractor that helped her heal and get back to the things she loved. This inspired her to become a chiropractor and help others get back to the things they love. When you step into the office you immediately feel a sense of community. The staff knows you by your name and asks how your family is doing. We truly care about every patient that walks through the door and it is our priority to get you back to the life you love. || Website: https://hbdchiropractic.com

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for HBD Chiropractic

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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