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Logo - Kovacich Snipse Johnson - Trial Lawyers

Kovacich Snipse Johnson - Trial Lawyers

21 3rd St. North, Suite 301, 59401, Great Falls, Montana, United States
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United States:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at Kovacich Snipse Johnson - Trial Lawyers

The law firm of Kovacich Snipes Johnson, P.C., is one of the most successful serious injury law firms in Montana. For more than three decades, our Montana car accident attorneys have been aggressive advocates for individuals who have been injured due to the negligence of others. We have a reputation as a firm that takes on the toughest cases, going up against some of the largest corporations in the nation. Many of our attorneys have received very prestigious awards and honors from our peers in the local legal community. Attorneys Mark Kovacich and Ben Snipes have received Trial Lawyers of the Year awards from the Montana Trial Lawyers Association. Our results speak for themselves. Our attorneys have recovered more than $500 million in verdicts and settlements for past clients, including a $40 million verdict in an environmental contamination case, one of the largest verdicts in the history of the state. We represent people who have suffered serious injuries in accidents. This includes those who have claims concerning: Serious personal injury Workplace injuries Asbestos related diseases Environmental contamination Trucking and automobile accidents When you work with us, you have more than our experience and skill on your side. You have a law firm that cares about you and your future, and is committed to helping you recover maximum compensation. We are not afraid to take on anyone inside or outside of the courtroom.

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2022
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 6
Spoken Languages: n/a
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