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Logo - Cactus Plumbing And Air

Cactus Plumbing And Air

1111 N Gilbert Rd, Suite# 210-B, Gilbert, Arizona,85234, United States
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United States:Home:Home Improvement

What we do at Cactus Plumbing And Air

Do you need a plumber near me to save your sewer line? When you have a clogged sewer line, you need to take care of it quickly. This can be a dangerous problem if left untreated, as it could cause sewage backup or flooding in your home. If you notice sewage backing up into the toilet or bathtub, you will want to call a professional plumber immediately. A clogged sewer line can also lead to other issues down the road, so it’s important to get it fixed before it becomes a bigger problem! A professional plumber from Cactus Plumbing and Air can help inspect your sewer line and ensure everything is working properly. If there are any problems with your pipe, they will make sure those are taken care of before leaving your home. They can also recommend how often you should have your pipes inspected so that any issues don’t arise in the future!

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Personal Information for Cactus Plumbing And Air

Contact Person: Mr Mr Leon

Business Details

Type of business: Home services
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: English
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