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Logo - BizSmart Insurance Group

BizSmart Insurance Group

1410 W Guadalupe Rd #112, 85233, Gilbert, Arizona, United States
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United States:Finance and Insurance:Insurance

What we do at BizSmart Insurance Group

Every business in the world needs insurance for protection. Yes, even contractors need to protect themselves. With an insurance, general and independent contractors are protected financially. As a general rule, a liability insurance is a must for everyone. Of course, there are specific kinds of insurance depending on the nature of your work. First of all, you need to take into consideration the risks you take as a contractor. If you ask a major insurance company such as Progressive you would most likely be handing money right away. Once you sign up for an insurance, a broker can help you gain access to other smaller insurance companies. Contractors are no different from any other businesses out there. To reduce business risks, you need to protect yourself financially by acquiring a property and general liability insurance. Aside from that, there are specific risks in the industry that are covered by the insurance. Our company can help you search for a personalized insurance policy that fits your business. If your employees are always on the go, it is best to get a commercial auto policy because accidents can happen in between jobs. It is best that if you are seeking the help of other subcontractors, they must have a general liability insurance. Thus, your contractor liability relies on your subcontractors having the necessary insurance. The insurance that your business have may not enough to protect you from liability of a subcontractor.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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