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Logo - Artificial Grass Pros

Artificial Grass Pros

5431 Northeast 25th Avenue #503b,, 33308, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
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United States:Home:Gardening

What we do at Artificial Grass Pros

Artificial Grass Pros of Broward is a high-quality, realistic lawn that will make your home look like it's in the country. Artificial Grass Pros of Broward is perfect if you're searching to spruce up your backyard patio or create a more natural impression on your friends and family. You can use it anywhere! Artificial grass is an excellent option for anyone who wants to add color and detail to their home. It works well in yards and gardens but also looks great on patios and walkways. It's affordable! We offer several different styles of artificial grass at low prices, so you don't have to break the bank when you decide to buy one. You can find everything from realistic-searching fake grass with bold colors to subtle blends that blend right into the surrounding landscape without being too noticeable. Are you tired of all the fake grass in Fort Lauderdale? We've got the perfect solution - artificial grass that will make your life much easier. This high-quality grass is made with real turf and is even safe for dogs to eat - so you can finally enjoy the benefits of being out in nature without worrying about their safety.

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Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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