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Logo - Elm Grove Junk Cars

Elm Grove Junk Cars

13000 W Bluemound Rd #222, 53122, Elm Grove, Wisconsin, United States
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United States:Transport and Storage:Auto

What we do at Elm Grove Junk Cars

Elm Grove Junk Cars specializes in the efficient and hassle-free removal of old, unwanted, and junk vehicles in the Elm Grove area. We offer top-dollar cash payouts for your junk cars, whether they're running or not. Our services are designed to be quick, reliable, and environmentally friendly, ensuring that every vehicle is properly recycled or disposed of according to local regulations. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Elm Grove Junk Cars makes the process of getting rid of your junk vehicle easy and rewarding. Whether you have a single car or an entire fleet, we’re here to help you clear out your space and put cash in your pocket.

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Year founded: n/a
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Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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