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Cincinnati Backsplash

313 5th Avenue, 41074, Dayton, Kentucky, United States
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Business Category

United States:Construction:Building Construction

What we do at Cincinnati Backsplash

At Cincinnati Backsplash, we turn ordinary spaces into extraordinary statements with our top-tier tile installation expertise. Serving both Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas, our highly trained porcelain tile installers near me in Cincinnati are dedicated to transforming your vision into reality. The backsplash plays a crucial role in defining the character of your home, and we take this task seriously by offering access to an extensive collection of cutting-edge materials like Porcelain Panels and artisan-crafted Zellige Tile through our relationships with local tile stores. Each project is approached as a potential masterpiece, ensuring personalized attention from start to finish. Our commitment goes beyond mere installation; it's about delivering a customer service experience that lives up to the beauty and quality of our workmanship. Let us elevate your space with a backsplash that resonates with elegance and individuality – an enduring testament to fine artistry and meticulous detail. Service: Tile Installation Business Email: christopher@kubikhouse.com

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Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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