Conncrete Works is the premier concrete specialty store in the Connecticut / New York Area, with nearly 100 years of combined experience in the concrete industry, and we have experienced it all. We have taken the products and they know how to get any job done and combined it with a knowledgeable and energetic staff, dedicated to keeping your timelines and wallet in mind. We take pride in keeping with the times and constantly presenting our customer base with the newest and best trends in the industry. Working side by side with our community and vendors we have nurtured an environment that caters to what our customers want and need and we have thrived. We promise to continue to exceed expectations, grow our product lines, and get customers what they need when they need it.
Website and pages
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Headquarters, branches, local offices
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Personal Information for Conncrete Works
Contact Person: Conncrete Works
Business Details
Type of business: LLC
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English