If you are looking for a dental office in Culver City, you have come to the right place! At Century Smile Dental, we take care of your teeth with the attention and care they deserve. We bring you general dentistry and dental hygiene care as well as cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, tooth extraction, teeth whitening, Zoom whitening, Invisalign, and root canals. Under the leadership of Dr. Maryam Talaie, our dental office in Culver City serves patients throughout the area including Culver-West, Century City, Inglewood, Marina Del Rey, Playa Vista—and beyond! Our leading doctor has over 20 years of experience in the field of dentistry and specializes in minimally invasive techniques that place your comfort first. We are currently the #1 Google-ranked dentist in Culver City—why not give us a try today?
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Personal Information for Century Smile Dental
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Business Details
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