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Logo - Removable Veneers USA

Removable Veneers USA

8611 Concord Mills Boulevard Suite 103, 28027, Concord, North Carolina, United States
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United States:Health and Care:Cosmetic

What we do at Removable Veneers USA

Teeth whitening services do not change the “Structure of the Teeth” but only whiten. Basically, 99% of our whitening clients had hoped for the “Celebrity Look” after whitening and only a very small percentage of those clients could achieve those results. So, we developed a product to give them their desired outcome (without having to spend $1,000 – $2,000 per tooth for the cost of porcelain veneers, which was the only alternative). The only way to avoid the cost of porcelain veneers and achieve the “Perfect Celebrity Teeth & Smile” was to offer cosmetic dental snap on veneers.

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