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Logo - Discovery Zone

Discovery Zone

4601 EASTGATE BLVD, Suite 715, 45245, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
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Business Info
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Business Category

United States:Entertainment:Events and Activities ~ United States:Entertainment:Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer

What we do at Discovery Zone

At Discovery Zone, we want everyone to have a fun and safe time in our facility. We do not tolerate unruly behavior in our facility or harassment toward our staff. This is a place for children to come to play, be safe, and make new friends. We spend a lot of time constantly cleaning/sanitizing and our playscape is sprayed down with medical/hospital grade disinfectants. We’ve been asked thousands of times why this is a rule for us. It’s plain and simple….it is a sanitary issue at the end of the day. We do not want another child going through another child’s accident when playing in the playscape. The child must be 100% potty trained. Children that are wearing a diaper or pull up will be permitted to play in toddler zone and soft block play areas beneath the playscape (everything that is ground level).

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Discovery Zone

Contact Person: Mr Jamie madden

Business Details

Type of business: Proprietorship
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 11
Spoken Languages: English
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