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Logo - Echelon Bodyguards Services

Echelon Bodyguards Services

923 Haddonfield Rd #300, 08002, Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, United States
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United States:Professional Services:Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring ~ United States:Professional Services:Security and Investigation

What we do at Echelon Bodyguards Services

The English pioneers established the settlement of Waterford Township, in 1695, which was one of the original townships of old Gloucester County. The community had a successful, varied, and long existence as a mill community as well as an agricultural center. The residents of this settlement held a town meeting and incorporated the township under the name of Delaware Township in 1844. This township then became part of the newly organized Camden County. In 1886, the description of Delaware Township was a prosperous agricultural community that was primarily comprised of carriage making shops and gristmills. Ellisburg was not only the name of a shopping center, However, the community once served as the governmental and social center of the former Delaware Township. The name was in honor of the prominent Ellis family who settled the region. A man named Isaac Elli built his tavern at the intersection of King's Highway and Moorestown Road. Soon afterwards, private homes and a blacksmith shop were also constructed. Sometime later, the tavern was bought by a man named John Ilg, and the tavern became known as the Ellisburg Inn. Up until 1881, when the railroad between Medford and Philadelphia started operation, this Inn was a popular stagecoach stop. In the 1750's the first schoolhouse was built in the township, which was built on Mr. Ellis's land and was a log cabin. In 1821, another building known as the Ellisburg Waterford Townhouse and School, gatehousewas also completed in Ellisburg. Up until 1885, when the Town Hall was constructed on the adjoining property, the school hosted the town meetings for the community, much as the name suggests. These buildings were constructed on the land currently occupied by a McDonald's store on Route 70. In addition to the Ellisburg General Store, the Inn was demolished in 1938 for in order for the Ellisburg Circle to be built. In order to reduce the traffic congestion in the region, in 1992, this traffic circle was removed by the State. In 1961 the recently quadrupled local population elected by to officially change the name of the community Cherry Hill. The township of Cherry Hill continued to grow, with its new trend setting Mall and a new title to match its new image. Throughout the late 1970and the early 1980's, the Latin Casino Restaurant and Theater had a brilliant future in the growth of the population of Cherry Hill. By 1985, the population of Cherry hill reached approximately 70,000 people with synagogues, Churches, schools, High rise apartment buildings, industrial and commercial centers, and restaurants grew with the burgeoning population. Attention then shifted to the process of supporting fine arts and cultural programs, managing regional traffic, expanding educational opportunities, and enhancing the Township park system.

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Home based?: no
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