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Logo - Medico Reports

Medico Reports

medqon ltd 435 london road, Sheffield, S2 4HJ, United Kingdom, S2 4HJ, Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Health and Care:Medical Devices and Accessories ~ United Kingdom:Health and Care:Medical Doctors and Practinioners ~ United Kingdom:Health and Care:Nursing Homes, Seniors, Elderly, Assisted Living

What we do at Medico Reports

Medico legal report is a medical review of a patient in case of a personal injury requested by an insurance company/ solicitor in order to gain expert testimony in support of the cause and nature of patient's injury. When instructed by a client, the most appropriate medical expert witness from our network is selected to prepare the report considering their specialism, location and experience so they can best aid the litigation process. This document contains all details about the medical treatment, examination and diagnosis of a patient, as well as other details about the case. In general, a Medico Legal report provides support to the claim by evidencing the injury sustained, that it was caused by the incident complained of and the extent and duration of the symptoms caused. If a full recovery has not yet taken place, the expert can also offer their opinion on the prognosis for recovery, that is, if and when the ongoing symptoms should recover. Where a victim has not recovered from their injuries the expert may also recommend further medical investigations or treatment. Medico-legal report could be used in any legal matter where expert medical witness evidence is required to prove or disprove some aspect of the case. Reports are commissioned by the legal representative of the injury victim (insurance company/ solicitor) who the victim has instructed to help them pursue their case. When the law firm is confident that the claim has reached the right stage in the legal process and that they can incur the cost involved in obtaining a report, they contact Medical Reporting to assist them.

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Personal Information for Medico Reports

Contact Person: Mr Balal Ahmad

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2014
Year started activity: 2014
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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