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Logo - Gong Communications

Gong Communications

1 Blandford Street, W1U 3DA, london, West London, United Kingdom
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Professional Services:Marketing

What we do at Gong Communications

Gong Communications is a public relations agency based in the UK specializing in strategic communications and stakeholder engagement and is a sustainability comms specialist. The agency works with clients across various industries, including finance, energy, and technology, to develop and execute communications strategies that align with their business goals. Gong Communications is known for its expertise in sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues, helping clients to integrate responsible practices into their business models and communicate their sustainability commitments effectively to stakeholders.

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Personal Information for Gong Communications

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Privately Held
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: 2004
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 11
Spoken Languages: English
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