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Logo - Grant Saw Solicitors LLP

Grant Saw Solicitors LLP

Wood Wharf Building, SE109BB, London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Professional Services:Legal Consulting

What we do at Grant Saw Solicitors LLP

Grant Saw Solicitors in London provide a range of legal services to both businesses and individuals. Established in 1851, they combine a strong tradition of legal excellence with a modern, friendly approach that enables them to provide the very best service to each one of their clients. They have Law Society accreditation for their practice management known as Lexcel, in conveyancing known as Conveyancing Quality Scheme (also known as CQS) the family law accreditation and the Wills and Inheritance Quality scheme (known as WIQS). In August 2013 they received ISO 9001, a widely-recognised standard only given to firms demonstrating commitment to excellence. These differentiate them from their competitors

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Personal Information for Grant Saw Solicitors LLP

Contact Person: Mr Michael Tobin

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1851
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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