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Unit 1, 1000 North Circular Road, NW2 7JP, London, London , United Kingdom
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Transport and Storage:Aviation ~ United Kingdom:Transport and Storage:Freight Forwarding

What we do at CARGONAIJA

Cargonaija is based in the UK and we provide air cargo services to Morocco. We also provide car shipping services to Morocco from the UK. We do twice-weekly air freight to Morocco and we also weekly car and vehicle shipping to Casablanca in Morocco. Whatever you're shipping, we got you covered. We do Car shipping, truck shipping, Van shipping, and equipment shipping. Do you need a 20ft or a 4oft container to ship to Morocco from the UK? Cargonaija is at your service all through the year. We have a very competitive container shipping rate to match any quote you might have. Why do We believe in our service? Cargonaija team believes in saying it exactly as it is. We don't stress our clients/Customer with unnecessary hidden charges which they're not aware of. Our business principle is based on satisfying all our customers. Our company is committed to providing value for money for all cargo shipping and car shipping to Morocco from the UK. Our service comes with complete peace of mind. Give us a call or send us an email and members of our team will contact you.

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Personal Information for CARGONAIJA

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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