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Logo - Excellent Ambassador

Excellent Ambassador

E1 7LE, London , United Kingdom
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Business Info
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Business Category

United Kingdom:Entertainment:Adventure ~ United Kingdom:Entertainment:Camping, Trekking, Hunting, Fishing ~ United Kingdom:Entertainment:Nightlife, Clubs, Discos, Karaoke ~ United Kingdom:Entertainment:Sportive Events ~ United Kingdom:Events:Conferences, Summits, Assemblies

What we do at Excellent Ambassador

Excellent Ambassador is a DMC a Destination Management Company that deals with the organization of tailor made logistics services for tourism in both the Leisure and Corporate sectors, specialized in Italy and The United Kingdom . Excellent Ambassador aims to find the equilibrium point of a life-style between the Food & Beverage Excellent and body well-being both at work and in a relaxing holiday.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Excellent Ambassador

Contact Person: Mr Fabio Musetti

Business Details

Type of business: Ltd
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 2
Spoken Languages: Italian - English
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