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Logo - Broseley Dental Practice

Broseley Dental Practice

79 High St, TF12 5ET, Broseley, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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United Kingdom:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at Broseley Dental Practice

Broseley Dental Practice Ltd. is a modern Private and NHS dentist in Broseley, Shropshire. It is also a home for the Telford and Bridgnorth dental patients that seek regular, advance and emergency dental care. The Principal Dentist, Dr Manoj Joshi has over a decade’s experience and is committed to providing quality care to patients of all ages. With a relaxing atmosphere, the dental surgery in Broseley is easily accessible and claims a remarkable range of treatments, as well as state of the art technology for a delightful dental experience. The team of qualified dentists at Broseley Dental intents to deliver high-level of care to the existing and new patients, to ensure we can meet our patient’ expectation. Broseley Dental offers an incredible range of treatments ranging from General, Advanced Dental Care to Cosmetic Dentistry and Facial Aesthetics. With our 0% finance plan, we are able to offer private treatments on instalments for up to 24 months. Our Cosmetic Smile Makeovers utilises latest in treatments, including teeth whitening, veneers, orthodontic treatments like Invisalign (clear & invisible aligners and braces), white fillings and dental implants to help enhance your teeth and smile. Facial rejuvenation or aesthetics treatments like anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers to reduce wrinkles and facial lines are also popular at the practice. New patients from Broseley, Telford and Bridgnorth are always welcome to the practice, and we look forward to caring for you and your smile. Please walk-in or visit our website www.broseleydental.co.uk or you may call us on 01952 883 196 to book an appointment.

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Personal Information for Broseley Dental Practice

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2016
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 8
Spoken Languages: English
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