BITCOIN VENTURES LTD is a legal investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom with headquarters in London. Any investor can easily check the company registration details before making a decision on cooperation.
For that, you should go to the Companies House website, the official registers of legal entities in the Great Britain.
Then use either our company name – “BITCOIN VENTURES LTD” or company registration number 12781448 . BITCOIN VENTURES LTD is a very experienced and promising organization in the field of trustee administration and long-haul ventures.
The joining of distinctive systems and techniques add to income, gainful collaboration, and organized advancement. The most created territory of BITCOIN VENTURES LTD movement is multicurrency trading on the Forex market.
BITCOIN VENTURES LTD also is always on the lookout for innovative companies and technologies. We carefully screen between 50 and 150 early-stage startups each month to bring you the best, high-potential investment opportunities. We cover the most successful startups in fast-growing industries such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, Biotechnology, FinTech,Real Estate, Mobile, Hardware, and Crypto investments.
This helps us weed out failing start-ups and make sure we only invest in start-ups with the best possibility to succeed. BITCOIN VENTURES LTD is always on the lookout for innovative companies and technologies.
We carefully screen between 50 and 150 early-stage startups each month to bring you the best, high-potential investment opportunities. We cover the most successful startups in fast-growing industries such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, Biotechnology, FinTech, Mobile, Hardware, and Crypto investments. offers from 14% weekly for 14 weeks as minimal profit for investment to 28% weekly for 4 weeks as maximum profit.
Plans: 14% weekly for 10 weeks; 2% daily for 90 days; 2.5% daily for 105 days; 2.5% daily for 150 days; 5% daily for lifetime
Minimum Deposit: $100
Referral Commission: — 10%
Payment systems: Bitcoin
Website and pages
No information available
Headquarters, branches, local offices
No information available
Personal Information for Bitcoin Ventures Limited
Contact Person: n/a
Business Details
Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 1
Spoken Languages: English