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Logo - Eagle Weighing Scales

Eagle Weighing Scales

Wandegeya University Plaza Room A18, 256, Kampala, central, Uganda
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Uganda:Industrial Goods and Services:Electrical Equipment and Cables ~ Uganda:Industrial Goods and Services:Measuring and Testing Devices

What we do at Eagle Weighing Scales

Who We Are Learn More About Eagle Weighing Systems Eagle Weighing Systems presents and delivers state of the art scales as well as traditional scales at the most affordable prices. We understand your needs as a customer and client. We also understand your budget. We do our level best to exceed your expectations in quality, service, design and function. After all It is The Eagle Weighing Systems (Way). These are just some of the many types of scales we carry: digital scales, mini palm sized scales, pocket scales, bathroom scales, weighing scales, weigh scale, specialty scales, balance scales, diet scales, shipping scales, Tanita scales, ohaus scales, counting scales, baby scales, gram scales, portable scales, body fat scales, crane scales, electronic scales, travel scales, floor scales, kitchen scales, wholesale scales, and triple beam scales. Most any type of digital scale you can think of, Eagle Weighing Systems carries. Eagle Weighing Systems can help you find the scale that fits your needs and your budget. If you are tired of the high prices found at other sites for the same product and are looking for an affordable solution. Then you have come to the right place! If you shop around you will see skyrocketing prices from competitors and chances are they get their scales directly from us. It only makes sense to come to the Source. Eagle Weighing Systems is your source for quality, design, function, and friendly timely service with a knowledgeable staff. We are committed to doing business the dignified ethical way and in a way you deserve. The Eagle Weighing Scales. Thank you in advance for allowing Eagle Weighing Systems the privilege of serving you. +256 700225423 +256 (0) 787089315

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Personal Information for Eagle Weighing Scales

Contact Person: Mr Eagle Valerian

Business Details

Type of business: Corporation
Year founded: 2006
Year started activity: 2012
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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