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Logo - Paulette Comics

Paulette Comics

00256, Kampala, Kampala, Uganda
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Business Category

Uganda:Art:Design ~ Uganda:Art:Visual Arts ~ Uganda:Education:Public Awareness ~ Uganda:Entertainment:Libraries ~ Uganda:Entertainment:Toys

What we do at Paulette Comics

We provide culturally relevant reading material for all ages while sharing the vibrant traditions and lessons of Ugandan stories about our histories and cultures with the world. Our comic books help in sharing and understanding a rich history and culture in an easier, illustrated and more interactive manner. Each book is loaded with stories that engage with Uganda, the Pearl of Africa, regardless where you come from. The stories are a mixture of fun & purpose as well as crucial to understanding who we are as Africans. In many countries, like Uganda, we don’t have consistent access to reading material and books we do have, are not culturally representative. These comic books will be the foundation for a series of culturally diverse books, printed in Uganda to share here and with the rest of the world.

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Personal Information for Paulette Comics

Contact Person: Ms Paulette Comics

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2010
Year started activity: 2010
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 7
Spoken Languages: English
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