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Logo - Zanzibar Royal Tour

Zanzibar Royal Tour

Zanzibar Kusini, Zanzibar, 72110, Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Tanzania
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Business Category

Tanzania:Travel:Tour Operators

What we do at Zanzibar Royal Tour

Zanzibar royal tour strives to deliver exceptional royal service to all its clients in their Zanzibar vacations. We are expertise in Zanzibar day tours, hotel bookings, Zanzibar watersports and diving to coral gardens. We cater to the royal individual holidaymaker, as well as groups, and design personalized packages and itineraries according to your special interests, time frame and budget. Our services also include Zanzibar wedding, Zanzibar conference and incentive group packages, always focusing on adding a personal touch. Zanzibar royal tour offers comfortable and well-maintained vehicles with air conditioning and refreshments. Our experienced drivers are responsible and receptive and will ensure an enjoyable and safe vacations. Our friendly tour guides are knowledgeable and informed and will make your excursion an unforgettable one. Routes and itineraries are well planned in order to get the most out of your trip, but we remain flexible to your needs.

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Personal Information for Zanzibar Royal Tour

Contact Person: Mr GEOFREY NGAIZA

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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