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Logo - Abilica Online Sverige AB

Abilica Online Sverige AB

Borås, Sweden
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Business Category

Sweden:Sports and Recreation:Sports

What we do at Abilica Online Sverige AB

ABOUT ABILICA Abilica (/abilika/) is a Norwegian fitness brand using Scandinavian designs developed back in 2002. Our name is derived from the English word “ability”, which means to be able to execute. Abilica is an affirmative word with associations of will and strength! We want you to have positive associations with our brand, like a feeling of achievement and accomplishment in all levels of training. We are doing everything that we can to be a sustainable choice. We offer a wide range of home training products, with many different solutions for people wanting to live an Active Lifestyle no matter what your everyday life looks like. We care about you and are sure that you will find something that suits you.

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Personal Information for Abilica Online Sverige AB

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Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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