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Logo - Jaime Tours

Jaime Tours

C. Pintada, 79, 29780, Málaga, Andalusia, Spain
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Business Category

Spain:Travel:Tour Guides ~ Spain:Travel:Transportation

What we do at Jaime Tours

Jaime Tours is a taxi service in Nerja and a local company with extensive experience in the field of transporting people as excursions and long distance journeys as a taxi from Malaga airport. If you are planning to spend a few days holiday in the town of Nerja, and you need a taxi to transfer you from Malaga airport or any other point of the Costa del Sol, do not hesitate to contact the best company and agency in Nerja. We also offer excursions and Day Tours all over Andalucia. We offer Minimum Price Guarantee for airport transfers from Nerja and Malaga Airport. Jaime Tours is a travel agency with taxi services in Nerja with extensive experience in the field of transporting people as well as excursions and long distance journeys. We offer taxi transfers to Malaga airport and excursions all over Andalusia.

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Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Jaime Tours

Contact Person: Mrs Jose Manuel Moreno

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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