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Logo - YoDoggo Pte Ltd

YoDoggo Pte Ltd

7 Marine Vista, Singapore, 449031, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
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What we do at YoDoggo Pte Ltd

YoDoggo is a Fresh Pet Food Company in Singapore that Makes Gently Cooked Dog Food that Contains online. All YoDoggo Formulations are Balanced & optimized to Meet AAFCO and FEDIAF Requirements for all Life Stages. Commercial Dog Food is Like Human Convenience Food – Easy and unhealthy. We worked with Top Canine Diet Formulators to Apply the Latest Scientific Research and know-how on Canine Nutrition. All YoDoggo Formulations have been Developed based on 3 Principles: Dog Food is Real Food, Dogs Eat Meat, it needs to be easy. ✔ 90% Fresh Meat And 10% Vegetables, Power Seeds, Antioxidants & Lots Of The Other Good Stuff ✔ 100% Human Grade Ingredients (Sourced From SFA Approved Suppliers Only) ✔ Scientifically Balanced Nutrition (Exceeds Industry Standards For Dog Food – AAFCO and FEDIAF)

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Personal Information for YoDoggo Pte Ltd

Contact Person: Steve Brown

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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