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Logo - Virtono


Constanta, Romania
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Business Category

Romania:Professional Services:Web Hosting ~ Romania:Telecommunications:Internet

What we do at Virtono

Virtono is a leading web hosting and server provider, with multiple worldwide data centers. Providing server solutions to Small, Medium, and Large Enterprises. Virtono stands apart due, in part, to providing customer support uniquely tailored to each client's requests. Virtono's platform integrates multiple layers of automation to maximize efficiency and reduce barriers to partner integration, such as 1 click installers for all well know platforms. Services provided include: * Domain Name Registration * Website and Application Hosting * Virtual Private Servers * Dedicated Server Hosting * Cloud Hosting * Storage VPS * Memory Optimized VPS * Free Migration Due to our premium support, and wide range of locations (over 20 locations on 4 continents) we are able to maintain a higher retention rate than the industry standard. Virtono also offers highly flexible partnership opportunities. A great affiliate program with all the tools and content necessary for helping our partners fulfill their needs.  Virtono often offers a variety of incentive models such as constant discounts, and recurring commission payments. 

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Personal Information for Virtono

Contact Person: Mr Daniel Draga

Business Details

Type of business: SRL
Year founded: 2014
Year started activity: 2014
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 5
Spoken Languages: Romanian, English
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