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Logo - Al Zubair Group

Al Zubair Group

1st Floor, Tower B AI Rayyan Complex, Doha, Qatar, 00000, Doha, Al Rayyan Municipality, Qatar
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Business Category

Qatar:Telecommunications:IT Hardware ~ Qatar:Telecommunications:Sound Recordings

What we do at Al Zubair Group

Al Zubair group helps partners realize the promise of a value-added distribution (VAD) system. Founded in 2008, with an underlying motto, ” Together we win, we grow” we continue to keep the promise of VAD through proactive partnerships. Our consultative approach, unparalleled agility, deep sense of customer first, and the reliability and trust that comes from decades of tested relationships is what sets Al Zubair group apart and ahead. We deliver a full spectrum of collaborative solutions which are key to enterprises –unified communications, real-time communications, voice and video conferencing, & meeting room scheduling integration.

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Personal Information for Al Zubair Group

Contact Person: Mr Al Zubair

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2008
Year started activity: 2008
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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