Qatar Business Directory & List of Companies
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Qatar: A Brief Overview
Qatar, a small but affluent nation located in the Middle East, offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Let's explore some key facts about this remarkable country.
Provinces in Qatar
Qatar is divided into multiple municipalities and regions. Here are some of the regions, along with their population numbers and primary municipalities:
- Ad-Dawhah (Doha) - Population: Over 1.8 million - Provincial Capital: Doha
- Al-Rayyan - Population: Over 600,000 - Provincial Capital: Al-Rayyan
- Al-Wakrah - Population: Over 370,000 - Provincial Capital: Al-Wakrah
- Al-Khor - Population: Over 150,000 - Provincial Capital: Al-Khor
- Al-Daayen - Population: Over 60,000 - Provincial Capital: Al-Daayen
Top Five Cities in Qatar
Qatar boasts several thriving cities, each contributing to the country's growth and development. Here are the top five cities in Qatar based on population:
- Doha - Population: Over 1.8 million
- Al-Rayyan - Population: Over 600,000
- Al-Wakrah - Population: Over 370,000
- Al-Khor - Population: Over 150,000
- Al-Daayen - Population: Over 60,000
Economy of Qatar
Qatar's economy is characterized by its significant wealth and diverse sectors. Here are some key economic figures:
- GDP: Approximately 195 billion USD
- GDP Growth Rate: Varied over the years, influenced by global factors and energy prices
- GDP per Capita: Around 67,000 USD, making Qatar one of the world's richest nations
- Exports/Imports: Qatar is known for its exports of natural gas and oil, which play a crucial role in its trade balance
- Unemployment Rate: Generally low due to the country's robust job market
- Ease of Doing Business: Qatar is continuously working to improve its business environment, attracting foreign investment
- Key Sectors: The Qatari economy is driven by hydrocarbon resources, finance, real estate, and construction
Ten Top Companies in Qatar
Qatar hosts a range of prominent companies that contribute to the nation's economic growth. Here are ten top companies based in Qatar:
- Qatar Petroleum: Qatar's state-owned petroleum company, a major player in the global energy industry.
- Qatar Airways: The national airline of Qatar, renowned for its global reach and premium services.
- Qatar National Bank (QNB): The largest bank in Qatar and a prominent financial institution in the region.
- Ooredoo Group: A leading telecommunications company providing communication and digital services.
- Qatar Foundation: A non-profit organization dedicated to education, science, and community development.
- Al Jazeera Media Network: A prominent news organization known worldwide for its news and media services.
- Qatar Investment Authority (QIA): Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, managing significant assets and investments.
- Milaha (Qatar Navigation): A maritime and logistics company with a strong presence in the shipping industry.
- Qatar Airways Cargo: The cargo division of Qatar Airways, offering international freight services.
- Ezdan Holding Group: A real estate and property development company known for its diverse portfolio.
Ten Top Banks in Qatar
Qatar's banking sector is well-established and plays a pivotal role in the nation's financial landscape. Here are ten top banks in Qatar:
- Qatar National Bank (QNB): The largest and most influential bank in Qatar, offering a wide range of financial services.
- Commercial Bank of Qatar: A major banking institution known for its comprehensive financial solutions.
- Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB): A leading Islamic bank providing Sharia-compliant banking services.
- Doha Bank: A well-established bank with a global presence, serving various client needs.
- Barwa Bank: A prominent Islamic bank known for its innovative financial products.
- Qatar Development Bank: A government-owned financial institution supporting economic development.
- Masraf Al Rayan: A leading Islamic bank offering a range of financial products and services.
- Al Khalij Commercial Bank (al khaliji): A progressive bank catering to both corporate and individual clients.
- Ahlibank: A well-established bank providing various financial services and solutions.
- Qatar International Islamic Bank (QIIB): An Islamic bank known for its Sharia-compliant banking practices.
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