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Logo - UV Care

UV Care

28 Manga Road Cor. Auror Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City, 1111, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Business Category

Philippines:Home:Home Improvement

What we do at UV Care

UV Care is US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Registered. We are also Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited and a Member of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA). UV Care is also listed with the Underwriter Laboratories (UL) and CE certified. We are lab tested and proven effective by multiple independent testing laboratories. UV Care is the best in Air Purifiers that are all equipped with medical-grade H13 HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing) filters that effectively filters out even the smallest particles in the air, including droplets that carry viruses in the air and also comes with superior UV-C Germicidal lamps that kills bacteria and viruses as it passes thru the air purifier. It is trusted by most hospitals, doctors and homes. UV Care is the leading brand in UV-C sterilizing technology. UV Care specializes in using UV-C germicidal technology to disinfect surfaces with UV-C light. UV Care UV-C light products effectively kill germs, viruses and bacteria using UV-C lamps that are Underwriter Laboratories (UL) listed and CE certified. UV Care is the top choice for moms and dads when it comes to UV-C sterilizers for babies and children as well as UV-C devices for every part of the home — living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, home office, garage, and even inside your car. UV Care has the most comprehensive range of UV-C devices for industrial, medical, corporate, and commercial solutions. There is a UV Care UV-C device in almost all leading hospitals, malls, businesses in the Philippines. UV Care is recommended and used by doctors, dentists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. UV Care is the only brand that offers custom UV-C devices for special applications and purposes not covered by our consumer and industrial line. Our team of professional engineers and scientists can develop custom UV-C devices for your business or special needs to ensure effectiveness and results.

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Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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