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Logo - Toplis Solutions, Inc.

Toplis Solutions, Inc.

Bachrach Building II, 23rd St. Corner Antonio C. Delgado St., Port Area, 1018, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Business Category

Philippines:Professional Services:Employment and Recruitment

What we do at Toplis Solutions, Inc.

Empowering Business in the Philippines As a Premier Manpower Solutions Provider. We are the only ISO certified total service package provider in logistics, manufacturing, warehousing. In 2004, Toplis Solutions Inc. was institutionalized as a service provider company. Initially, we started out as a service contractor for logistics companies because we wanted to be the go-to service provider company of such a solid and fast-paced industry. As a newly established company, our only mission then was to simply find, recruit, and hire people that would best fit the needs of a certain company or business. Simply put, what we offered then as the core of our business was human resources.

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Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Job Contracting Services
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 250
Spoken Languages: English - Tagalog
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