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Logo - Glaiza SEO Services

Glaiza SEO Services

Blk 2 Lot 12 Casa Mira Linao, MAGHAWAY ROAD, 6046, MINGLANILLA, Cebu, Philippines
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Philippines:Professional Services:Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO ~ Philippines:Professional Services:Marketing

What we do at Glaiza SEO Services

Hi, I'm Glaiza Matuguina, a freelance SEO specialist dedicated to helping your business succeed online. At Glaiza SEO, I offer customized SEO services designed to boost your website's visibility and attract more customers. Whether you need a thorough website audit, targeted keyword research, on-page and off-page SEO, or detailed analytics and reporting, I've got you covered. I'm passionate about supporting local businesses in Cebu and committed to helping you achieve higher search engine rankings. Let's work together to make your website shine!

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Personal Information for Glaiza SEO Services

Contact Person: Mrs Glaiza Matuguina

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2024
Year started activity: 2024
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 1
Spoken Languages: English, Filipino, Cebuano
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