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Logo - Mintel Technology

Mintel Technology

53700, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Home:Home Appliances

What we do at Mintel Technology

Mintel Technology is one of the leading company and the official distributor of ORVIBO in Pakistan. We're specialists in creating an efficient, smart home controlled by you. Our Smart Automation hardware enhancements economize your energy expenditure and uplift your dwelling market value. We provide high-level installation of elite and practical home, office, and smart hotel systems. Mintel Smart Automation Solutions allows you to enjoy the comfort, power savings, and security of your ideal living space. If Smart Life interests you, put your trust in Mintel technology. Our team is always at your disposal.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Mintel Technology

Contact Person: Mr Ghayoor Abbas Shaikh

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 1
Year started activity: 2021
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 12
Spoken Languages: English, Urdu
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