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Logo - Syed Brothers

Syed Brothers

Sector C Phase 5 D.H.A, Lahore, Punjab 54792, 54000, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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Pakistan:Construction:Architecture and Design ~ Pakistan:Construction:Building Construction ~ Pakistan:Construction:Construction of Infrastructure ~ Pakistan:Construction:Costruction Materials ~ Pakistan:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents

What we do at Syed Brothers

Syed Brothers is a private architecture and design consultancy firm with its headquarters in Lahore and several branches in other parts of the country. We focus on design, architecture, interior design, project management, supervision, and furniture. We have completed many public and private sector residential and commercial projects. Syed Brothers started its operations in 1995 and have earned its name for professionalism and expertise in the industry. We consistently devote energy and enthusiasm to our projects to achieve customer satisfaction. Our corporate philosophy is to satisfy our customers' diverse needs by giving the best value for money and prompt delivery. We have earned the trust and confidence and achieved a leading position by providing outstanding services nationwide. We strive to be a dynamic team, providing the highest quality construction services to make Pakistan modern and prosperous. We at Syed Brothers are committed to staying and becoming the construction option by choice, pursuing excellence through discipline, experience, and dedication. Innovation and modern construction techniques are at the core of our values to continue delivering quality services to our customers. Our vision is not just a dream. It is a promise of a better tomorrow. This promise is visible in our operations based on excellence, purpose-built architectural designs, creativity, comfort, and durability. The safety of our workers has been our number one priority and a part of our culture for decades. We are committed to the highest standards of safety consistent with sound construction practices. Whether a small house or a commercial building, from conception to execution and micro to macro details, we take care of each area with attention and professionalism. The team at Syed Brothers has a wealth of experience and expertise. On our team, we have principal architects, architects, designers, 3D Visualizers, project managers, draftsmen, supervisors, graphic designers, and communication executives.

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Personal Information for Syed Brothers

Contact Person: Mr Umar Rauf

Business Details

Type of business: Employe
Year founded: 27
Year started activity: 1996
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: English
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